Figure 6
Example Dynamic X-ray diffraction patterns from copper during a plate-impact experiment at the DCS. (a–c) Images from the DCS four-frame XRD detector capture XRD patterns from a copper sample, an a-cut sapphire interferometry window, and a LiF impactor, as the Cu is compressed to 18.8 GPa. The 23 keV beam passes through 152 µm of Cu, 2.494 mm of sapphire, and 5.77 mm of LiF to produce this pattern. Each image is produced from a single 90 ps-duration X-ray exposure. (a) The first image was taken before the shot, showing the XRD pattern under ambient conditions, and the subsequent two images show the evolved pattern (b) 13 ns after impact and (c) 167 ns after impact. The brightness scaling of the figure is chosen to emphasize the weaker powder rings from the copper, while the single-crystal peaks from the LiF and sapphire are well above this scale. The plot in (d) shows the integrated intensity versus 2θ for the (111) and (200) Cu reflections, under ambient conditions and in each frame after impact. The shocked reflections are shifted to higher 2θ in the first two frames after impact, consistent with compression, and in the following frames the peaks shift to lower angle as the release wave from the back of the sapphire reaches the Cu. |