Figure 1
Two setups using an MZP in combination with apertures. Both are illuminated by an X-ray beam pre-focused using CRLs. (a) Classic setup with a fully illuminated MZP and a central stop combined with an OSA to block background photons. The OSA is positioned to block the second-order focus. (b) Setup with an off-axis illuminated MZP. Note that the pinhole can be omitted if the incoming beam is already confined by optics upstream. The contacted nanowire (NW) is depicted at the focal plane. The OSA is positioned to block the second-order focus. (c) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of the MZP mounted on a Si3N4 window. (d) SEM image of the outer zones of the MZP, showing a width of down to 5 nm. (e) Photograph (side-view) of the off-axis setup at the P10 beamline. The pinhole and the OSA are visible, the Si3N4 window where the MZP is mounted (not visible) and the nanowire sample with the bond wires. (f) SEM of the nanowire devices and the star-shaped test structures, both created using lithography. (a,b) Not to scale. Scalebars: (c) 5 µm, (d) 50 nm, (e) 250 µm, (f) 100 µm. |