Figure 3
Screenshots of the PyQt5 GUI application for a high-throughput footprinting experiment. The main screen is shown in (a) and depicts the layout of the 96-well array, with cells that have a blue circle selected for exposure. Clicking on a specific cell brings up the screen shown in (b) that allows the user to enter a sample name, exposure time, notes, and select an attenuation from a drop-down menu. The right side of the GUI application contains a series of interactive controls that allow the user to select an Excel file containing the experimental plan and output a CSV file with metadata, control data collection, and carry out automated alignment of the device. A typical alignment scan is shown in part (c) with the x-axis scan on the left and the y-axis scan on the right, with the automatically calculated center of mass (COM) and FWHM for each peak shown at the top of the respective plots. The differences in shape reflect the morphology of the X-ray beam. |