Figure 8
Valence band dispersions along the Γ–X direction measured for the Si wafer described in Fig. 6 . The value of θy was +0.5° and hν was 750 eV. The total ΔE was 90 meV. The sample temperature was 86 K. The energy scan mode of the DA30 analyzer was used. (a) Result after one energy scan; the measurement time was 1.2 min. (b) Result after ten energy scans; the measurement time was 11.8 min. Note that the Si wafer used here is different from the Si(111) wafer used in Fig. 5 (c). The smaller EB at the valence top in this figure by ∼0.8 eV compared with the valence top in Fig. 5 (c) is probably due to the difference in doping conditions. |