Figure 5
Quantitative comparison: (A) R2 values calculated between the fitted counts from the full data set and those obtained from abridged data using thresholds from 0% to 99% for Se, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ca, and K. (B) The associated % root mean-squared deviation as a function of abridging threshold applied. (C) The ratios of the fitted elemental values from abridged fits to the same values obtained from fitting the full spectra as a function of the maximum fitted value from the full unabridged fits for the 24 trichomes from Fig. 4 . The x axis (Z/Zmax) is the ratio of the fitted elemental values from full-spectrum fitting to the corresponding maximum fitted value. The values in the legend are the threshold values applied during data reduction; `+ sum' indicates partial integration was also used. (D) The fitted integrated spectrum for the XRF data for the peel presented herein. (E) The tabulated mean fitted counts per trichome for the 24 trichomes with the uncertainty due solely to background noise (i.e. not the uncertainty arising from counting statistics). |