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Figure 5
Measurements using the bandpass pre-selection approach, recorded with the setup shown in Fig. 4[link](b) using a narrow-bandwidth UV laser [hν = 6.4 eV; bandwidth < 0.5 meV; 80 MHz (]. (a) Gaussian image showing the superposition of the upper edge of the entrance slit, the circular entrance aperture (half circle) and the grid in the field-aperture plane (vertical lines). (b) Momentum image showing the superposition of the grid in the backfocal plane of the objective lens with a surface state. (c, d) Linear increase of transit time versus entrance angle in the dispersive plane (c) and constant behavior in the perpendicular (non-dispersive) plane (d), measured in the HSA + ToF hybrid mode at a drift energy of 500 eV. (e, f) Data array recorded using the classical scanning mode of the HSA without ToF analysis: kxky momentum pattern of the Re(0001) Tamm state close to EF (e) and EB-versus-kx section of the full photoemission paraboloid with diameter ∼1.25 Å−1 at EF (f). Second row, data recorded in the hybrid mode with Epass = 200 eV and Edrift = 9 eV: (g, h) EB-versus-kx,y cuts through data arrays of Re(0001) and (i, j) same for 3 ML of Au on Re(0001). (k, l) Data array (width 880 meV) for 1T-TiTe2, recorded in the hybrid mode at Epass = 400 eV. (k) EB-versus-ky section as-measured (top) and after numerical elimination of the transit time spread (bottom). (l) kxky sections at EB = 0.2 (top) and 0.4 eV (bottom). (mo) Resolution measurements in the conventional scanning mode: intensity profiles of the Fermi edge of an Au film recorded at Epass = 12 eV / W = 0.5 mm / T = 30 K (m), 8 eV / 0.4 mm / 30 K (blue) and 15 K (black) (n), and 8 eV / 0.2 mm / 15 K (o). Curves in (m,n,o) are to guide the eye; yellow arrows in (o) and the inset mark an intensity artifact slightly above EF.

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