Figure 2
(a) A 225 nm polystyrene thin film mounted on an empty Si frame. The XUV absorbance was sampled on a 200 µm interval grid to build up an image. Contour lines indicate 1% changes in relative absorbance. (b) Polymer and SiN film XUV spectra. Black lines are power law fits to the data. (c) The XUV absorbance of PS as a function of thickness. The solid line is a linear fit to the data with a y intercept of 0 and a slope of (3.61 ± 0.08) × 10−3 nm−1. (d) XUV spectra of 100 nm thick samples, as predicted from CXRO data (dotted lines), versus spectra constructed from the experimentally determined absorption coefficients (solid lines). |