Figure 10
(a)–(d) Direct and ptychographic spatial resolution measurements of a Siemens star pattern in tantalum. (a) Total yield fluorescence emission of the 50 nm central part, measured at 10 keV excitation energy. (b) Same as A but measured at 22 keV. (c) Ptychography reconstructed phase image of the Siemens star measured at 10 keV. (d) Close-up of the 50 nm features in (c). Scalebar in (c) is 2 µm. (e)–(h) Direct spatial resolution measurement of periodic chromium line patterns on a silicon nitride window with 50/50 nm wide lines/separations measured at 16 keV in XRF. (f) and (h) Line profiles (blue) integrated from the rectangles in (e) and (g), respectively, and the simulated profiles (red). |