Figure 3
Top and side views of the beamline optics together with most components for diagnostics and beam conditioning along the beamline. Approximate distances in metres from the undulator are shown adjacent to the main components. IVU: in-vacuum undulator; MA: heat-absorbing masks; XBPM: X-ray blade beam-position monitor (BPM); HA: actuated heat absorber; S1: L-shaped movable masks; SS1–3: radiation safety shutters; FV: fast-closing valve; VS1–3: fluorescence view screens; BC: bremsstrahlung collimators; FL: diamond heat filters; M1: vertically focusing mirror; M2: horizontally focusing mirror; HDCM: horizontal double-crystal monochromator; NPBM: high-resolution BPM; SSA: secondary source aperture; FS: fast shutter; DBPM: diamond-BPM; D1–2: pin-diodes; S2: slits; AT: multiple attenuators; EXP1: place for tomography endstation; S3: KB-slits; KB: nano-focusing mirrors; I0: miniature ion-chamber; SMPL: sample position. |