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Figure 16
Phonon dispersion curves at T = 300 K along high-symmetry directions in δ-Pu stabilized by 0.6 wt% Ga alloying (a = 0.4621 nm). The experimental data are shown as circles [black longitudinal (L) modes; red and blue transverse (T) modes]. The branches T1 and T2 propagating along the [0ξξ] direction are polarized along 〈011〉 and 〈100〉, respectively. The solid curves are the fourth-nearest neighbor Born–von Kármán (B-vK) model fit. The dashed curves are calculated dispersions for pure δ-Pu based on dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) (Dai et al., 2003BB149). Adapted from Wong et al. (2003BB148). Reprinted with permission from AAAS.

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