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Figure 17
Polar representation (radius is 2θ and azimuthal is ψ) of the accessed angular volume during a measurement with the CirPAD for Rz = −30 to +90° (step of 1°). The trajectories, in angular space, of the reconstructed data from single CirPAD images, are shown for the cases Rz = −30, 0 and 90° (red, black and green dashed curves, respectively). The intensity colour scale (from blue to red) is logarithmic. The presence of the missing data corresponding to inter-module gaps appears as curved grey regions. Due to the very large size, the data were relatively strongly binned (∼20 × 20 pixels, i.e. ∼0.2 × 0.2° angular opening) for ease of being shown.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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