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Figure 1
Concept of PAX for estimating RIXS spectra. (A) Experimental schematic. Monochromatic X-rays are incident on a sample which emits RIXS photons. These photons are directed onto a converter material resulting in photoemission. The energy distribution of these photoelectrons is detected with an electron spectrometer giving a PAX spectrum. We estimate the RIXS spectrum from the measured PAX spectrum and knowledge of the converter material photoemission spectrum. (B) Example model ground truth RIXS spectrum at the Co L3-edge (778 eV incident photon energy). (C) Ag 3d-like model photoemission spectrum. (D) Sharp Fermi edge model photoemission spectrum, such as for Au. (E) Resultant PAX spectrum without noise for the X-ray spectrum in (B) and the photoemission spectrum in (C). (F) Resultant PAX spectrum without noise for the X-ray spectrum in (B) and the photoemission spectrum in (D).

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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