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Figure 11
Simulated performance of PAX using a sharp Fermi edge photoemission converter in estimating model doublet RIXS spectra with different peak separations (ΔE). For each case, ∼105 electrons were simulated to be detected from photoemission within 0.4 eV of the Fermi level. The doublets consisted of two Gaussian peaks with 100 meV FWHM each and variable peak separation. The shape of the Fermi edge was determined by a Fermi–Dirac distribution at 4 K (boiling point of helium). (A) Model Fermi edge photoemission spectrum for a metal at 4 K (boiling point of helium). (B) Simulated PAX data (black) as well as the reconstruction of that data from the deconvolved results as a function of the peak separation in the doublet (ΔE). (C) RIXS spectra estimated through deconvolution of the simulated PAX data and corresponding ground truth spectra.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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