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Figure 2
Computed 2D `rocking curve' of the [000/006/113/1\bar13] 4BD setup in Fig. 1[link] showing the reflectivity R1 of the main reflection g1 = 006 as a function of the incidence angle (Φ, Δθ) and the photon energy E. The indices of each line (diffraction cone) indicate the corresponding Bragg reflection. σ-polarization, i.e. the electric field of the incident wave, is parallel to [010] in Fig. 1(a). Semi-infinite Si crystal. Δθ = 0 always corresponds to θ4B = 40.6013°. (a) E = E4B − 0.5 eV. (b) E = E4B. (c) E = E4B + 0.5 eV.

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