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Figure 5
Schematic of the BPM using 4BD of a point source. The left-hand side shows side views. The right-hand side shows the CCD viewed along the beam direction (K1 in Fig. 1[link]). The beam displacement caused by the DCM is not shown, which does not affect the BPM. Since the deflection angle (2θ4B) of the 4BD crystal is omitted, the source S′ is the virtual source in Fig. 4[link](a). For simplicity the 2D variations of the source, the beam and the image are indicated by 1D shifts. (a) Initial 4BD configuration. (b) S′ is displaced by Δh without beam direction changes. (c) S′ is displaced by Δh together with a beam direction change Δα, which makes the 4BD pattern asymmetric as the image center is shifted by Δc = DΔα from the CC.

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