Figure 1
UV fluorescence can be used to detect calcium oxalate. (A) Synthetic calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM), dihydrate (COD) and thrihydrate (COT) fluorescence spectra after deep UV excitation (275 nm). (B) Typical refringent tubular crystal under polarized light microscopy suggestive of calcium oxalate deposit (polarized light with quarter-wave blade, real colours). (C) FTIR spectra of the crystals confirm that COM is the main chemical phase involved. (D) Phase contrast microscopy is used to spot these crystals under the UV spectral microscope beam. (E) Under UV excitation, a 420 nm emission peak is retrieved in the calcification. This emission peak is absent in the surrounding tissue. Therefore, if a 327–353 nm filter (grey box) allows background tissue imaging (aromatic amino-acid autofluorescence) a 412–438 nm filter (yellow box) could allow CaOx imaging. (F) The spatial distribution of this peak matches phase contrast crystal mapping (RGB reconstituted, 420 nm peak intensity in blue and 330 nm peak in red). (G) As predicted by the spectra this fluorescence peak can be explored using an inverted fluorescence microscope. The 327–353 nm channel (aromatic amino-acid fluorescence in grey) allows recognition of the kidney architecture. The 412–428 nm signal is only higher than the 327–353 nm signal within the CaOx crystals. Subtracting the 327–353 nm map from the 412–438 nm (yellow) allows generation of a potential CaOx signal. |