actinide physics and chemistry
Spectroscopic evaluation of UVI–cement mineral interactions: ettringite and hydrotalcite
aImmobilization Science Laboratory, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, United Kingdom, and bSustainable Materials at Sheffield, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
*Correspondence e-mail: c.corkhill@sheffield.ac.uk
Portland cement based grouts used for 6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12·26H2O) and hydrotalcite (Mg6Al2(OH)16CO3·4H2O) were selected to investigate the importance of minor cement hydrate phases in sequestering and immobilizing UVI from streams. U LIII-edge was used to probe the UVI coordination environment in contact with these minerals. For the first time, solid-state 27Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS-NMR) spectroscopy was applied to probe the Al coordination environment in these UVI-contacted minerals and make inferences on the UVI coordination, in conjunction with the analyses. The U LIII-edge analysis of the UVI-contacted ettringite phases found them to be similar (>∼70%) to the uranyl oxyhydroxides present in a mixed becquerelite/metaschoepite mineral. Fitting of the region, in combination with 27Al NMR analysis, indicated that a disordered Ca- or Al-bearing UVI secondary phase also formed. For the UVI-contacted hydrotalcite phases, the and 27Al NMR data were interpreted as being similar to uranyl carbonate, that was likely Mg-containing.
immobilization contain high replacement levels of supplementary cementitious materials, including blast-furnace slag and The minerals formed upon hydration of these cements may have capacity for binding actinide elements present in In this work, the minerals ettringite (CaKeywords: UVI; uranium; actinides; ettringite; hydrotalcite.
1. Introduction
Cementitious binders are used extensively in ; Batchelor, 2006
). However, ILW streams in particular may still contain measurable radioactivity, some of which will arise from the presence of actinides (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, 2019
). It is, therefore, imperative that steps are taken to understand the fundamental interactions of actinides with cement materials.
Until recently in the UK, once UO2 fuel had been used within a it was reprocessed to separate the usable U and Pu (to recycle into new fuel) from highly active The fuel cladding, when separated from the UO2 fuel, is encapsulated in a BFS:PC cement grout (Radioactive Waste Management, 2016). The recovered U is treated further for fuel fabrication; however, a large surplus of depleted U remains. One of the options for management of this material, comprising 238UO3 and 238U3O8 powders, is encapsulation within a cement, or mixing with concrete to form a depleted uranium aggregate (DUAGG) which could potentially be used to line vaults in a geological disposal facility (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, 2014
; Management, 2016
). In these scenarios, cement grout will therefore come into direct contact with U-bearing material. Pu-contaminated materials (PCM) arising from fuel reprocessing operations are immobilized in a FA:PC grout (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, 2013
). Since the primary decay product of Pu is U, cements that encapsulate PCM will, in the future, also contain U isotopes.
In hardened PC blended with SCMs, the microstructure is dominated by a Ca- and Si-rich binder phase known as a calcium–silicate–hydrate phase (`C–S–H'). Studies to understand the interaction of U with cement materials have therefore predominantly been focused on UVI(aq) interactions with C–S–H phases, demonstrating good UVI uptake and/or secondary UVI phase precipitation (Wieland et al., 2010; Harfouche et al., 2006
). However, within cement matrices, other minor cement hydrate phases can form in conjunction with the C–S–H binder phase, and studies considering the importance of these phases for actinide immobilization are less extensive. Given that alkaline pH ranges will prevail under cementitious conditions, aqueous U speciation will be dominated by uranyl hydroxides [i.e. UO2(OH)xy−] (Sutton et al., 2003
) and interlayer anion-exchange mechanisms may be conceivable for UVI uptake.
Ettringite (Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12·26H2O; AFt-SO4) is the tri-sulfate phase that forms in PC as a result of hydration of the tri-calcium aluminate (3CaO·Al2O3) clinker phase in the presence of gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) (Bullard et al., 2011); gypsum is added to cement clinker during production (Hewlett & Liska, 2019
). Ettringite can also form in blends containing BFS or FA, to a certain extent (Lothenbach et al., 2011
). The channel-like structure of ettringite, formed by columns of Al hydroxide and Ca hydroxide polyhedra that incorporate sulfate (SO42−) anions [see Figs. 1
(a) and 1
(b)] (Goetz-Neunhoeffer & Neubauer, 2006
; Clark et al., 2008
), shows potential for anion-exchange and incorporation within its structure. This has been demonstrated previously for anionic radionuclide species, such as pertechnetate (TcVIIO4−), which exchanges in for sulfate in the ettringite channels (Saslow et al., 2020
). Hydrotalcite-type phases (e.g. Mg6Al2(OH)16CO3·4H2O) have been observed to form extensively in cement blends with high BFS contents, and to some extent in those containing FA, as a result of their high Al and moderate Mg content (Lothenbach et al., 2011
; Richardson & Groves, 1992
). Hydrotalcite phases have a layered double hydroxide (LDH) structure [see Fig. 1
(c)], an assemblage that may show good ion-exchange properties (Wijitwongwan et al., 2019
), as previously demonstrated for interlayer anions such as chloride (Cl−) and carbonate (CO32−) (Ke et al., 2017
). However, studies using non-cementitious Zn,Al-based carbonate LDHs have demonstrated a decrease in UVI uptake at pH values above ∼7, coinciding with a release of carbonate interlayer anions into solution and resulting in UVI-carbonate aqueous complexation (Pshinko et al., 2013
). Therefore, carbonate-type hydrotalcite LDH phases that form in cement matrices (and thus at higher pH values) may show potential for capture of UVI complexes by surface sorption or secondary phase formation, rather than structural incorporation.
![]() | Figure 1 Representation of the ettringite crystal structure shown down the y(b) axis [panel (a)] and the z(c) axs [panel (b)] (Goetz-Neunhoeffer & Neubauer, 2006 ![]() ![]() |
In this study, ettringite and hydrotalcite phases were synthesized and contacted with aqueous UVI. The local chemistry and coordination of the secondary UVI phases formed in, or in conjunction with, ettringite and hydrotalcite minerals were probed using U LIII-edge Characterization of the structural modification induced in ettringite and hydrotalcite minerals as a consequence of UVI incorporation was also performed using solid-state 27Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS-NMR) spectroscopy.
2. Experimental methods
2.1. Materials
ACS-grade NaOH (≥97.0%), Na2CO3 (99%), Al(NO3)3·9H2O (≥98%), Mg(NO3)2·6H2O (99%), Ca(OH)2 (≥97.0%) and Al2(SO4)3·16H2O (≥98%), supplied by Sigma Aldrich, were used for the synthesis of cement minerals. Ultra high quality deionized water (referred to as UHQ hereafter) was used for all aqueous solutions and suspensions, generated by filtration to achieve a resistivity measurement of 18.18 MΩ cm−1. All weighing of precursors was carried out under ambient conditions on the benchtop, but mixing, filtration and storage were carried out under an N2 atmosphere to prevent carbonation of cement minerals, unless otherwise stated.
2.2. Ettringite and hydrotalcite synthesis
A novel synthesis method was devised for producing ettringite, using hydrothermal treatment, developed from methods previously reported in the literature (Goetz-Neunhoeffer et al., 2006; Yang & Guo, 2014
). The stoichiometry of the reaction was based on equation (1)
Ca(OH)2 was added to an aqueous solution of Al2(SO4)3 in Ar-degassed UHQ in stoichiometric amounts and the solution-suspension was mixed well before it was poured into Teflon-lined Parr vessels which were sealed, tightened and placed into a heating block for 1 week at 180°C (not under N2 atmosphere). After reaction, the resulting solids were removed from the Parr vessels and dried at 35°C for ∼24 h before being ground to a fine powder for characterization; they were subsequently stored under N2.
A pH-controlled solution mixing method was used to synthesize hydrotalcite, similar to the method reported elsewhere (Aimoz et al., 2012). A solution of 1 M Mg(NO3)3/1 M Al(NO3)3 was added dropwise to a 1 M Na2CO3 solution, and the pH was maintained at >pH 11.0 with additions of 0.5 M NaOH where necessary. This method precipitated an Mg- and Al-containing LDH with a `carbonate interlayer'. The precipitated solid was filtered gravitationally using a Whatman-542-ashless filter paper and washed with a minimum of 10 ml UHQ to ensure removal of residual salts and carbonates. The powder was dried under ambient atmosphere at 35°C for ∼24 h before being ground into a fine powder for characterization; it was subsequently stored under N2.
2.3. UVI contact experiments
Aqueous UVI contact experiments were performed on both ettringite and hydrotalcite cement mineral phases. The dry powders were added to aqueous solutions of UVI in UHQ [as uranyl nitrate; UO2NO3 (aq)] at concentrations of both 0.5 mM (`borderline trace') and 10 mM (`elevated'), achieving a solids-to-liquid ratio of 25 g l−1. The suspensions were mixed on a rotary shaker for 48 h, after which time they were filtered through 0.22 µm cellulose filters. The solution pH values were measured before the solutions were acidified and prepared for ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry) analysis (ThermoFisher iCAP Duo 6300) to measure U, Ca, S, Al or Mg concentrations. The remaining solids were dried at ambient temperature, under N2, for at least 24 h before preparation for X-ray diffraction (XRD), and MAS-NMR spectroscopy. Table 1 displays the sample designations, and the target UVI loading per mineral phase.
2.3.1. Geochemical modelling estimations
Geochemical modelling was performed using the Phreeqc Interactive 3.4.0-12927 software and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory thermodynamic database, to estimate the saturation index (SI) of mineral phases likely to form in aqueous solution under the experimental conditions of the UVI contact studies. The results from ICP-OES analyses and the solution pH values were used for the model input for Ca, S, Al or Mg, while the UVI concentration corresponded to either the 0.5 mM or 10 mM concentration in the initial solution.
2.4. Solid-state analysis
XRD measurements of all ettringite and hydrotalcite phases were performed both before and after UVI contact experiments, using a Bruker D2 desktop instrument. Powders were compressed into a 10 mm-diameter recess on a low-background Si(111) plate in a PMMA holder. For U-containing samples (i.e. after UVI contact) the compressed powder was covered with an acetate film held in place with a small amount of PVA adhesive, in accordance with alpha-powder handling protocols. Measurements were taken between 5 and 50° 2θ for ettringite samples and 5 and 70° 2θ for hydrotalcite samples. The counting time was 1 s per step, in increments of 0.02° 2θ with a 1 mm divergence slit.
U LIII-edge (17166 eV) was performed at Diamond Light Source (DLS) (on beamline B18) to obtain information in the XANES and regions of each of the UVI-contacted ettringite and hydrotalcite samples, as well as for a suite of standard U-bearing mineral and ceramic phases (see Table 2), in transmission mode. The amount of material required to allow for transmission measurement at one absorption length was calculated using the Hephaestus program (Ravel & Newville, 2005
); for UVI-contacted mineral phases this was estimated based on the known general chemical formula of the mineral phases and an assumption of 100% UVI(aq) uptake from solution. The accurately weighed powders were pressed into pellets using a polyethylene glycol (PEG) binder (∼50 mg) to allow for mechanical stability, pressed at ∼1 tonne for ∼1 min.
‡This standard was determined to be a mixture of two phases upon XRD analysis. Both are stated (Yorkshire, 2020 ![]() |
A Si(111) monochromator with beam collimation (achieved using a Cr- and Pt-coated Si mirror) was utilized (Diaz-Moreno et al., 2018). An Y foil was used in the reference channel for monochromator calibration. The Athena program was used for post-processing and normalization of data (Ravel & Newville, 2005
). Data calibration was performed by assigning the first inflection point of the derivative energy spectrum (i.e. E0) for the Y foil in the reference channel as 17038 keV (K edge) (Bearden & Burr, 1967
). The value of E0 for each data set was then assigned to the position of the maximum inflection point of its derivative energy spectrum.
Linear combination fitting analysis was applied to the XANES region of the spectra using the Athena software. A combination of any two of the considered phases (Table 2) was allowed to be fitted within the region of −20 and +30 eV from the position of E0. The value of ΔE for each phase fit was recorded. The `best fit' for each sample was chosen based on a combination of prior knowledge of the system deduced from XRD, NMR, geochemical modelling estimations, in addition to R-factor and χ2 values.
The Artemis program was used for the generation of scattering pathways and fitting of models for the region (Ravel & Newville, 2005). In Athena, prior to this, the fitting window for the Fourier transform of k space into R space was selected where the signal in k space was approximately equal to 0, using a Hanning window (dk = 0), before being imported into Artemis. Scattering paths were generated using FEFF (Ravel & Newville, 2005
) calculations of appropriately selected files as the input, using prior knowledge of the system determined from XRD and geochemical modelling estimations as a starting point. Pathways were fitted between ∼1 and ∼5 Å in R space using a Hanning window (dR = 0). ΔE was allowed to vary as a global parameter. As well as single scattering (SS) pathways, multiple scattering (MS) pathways were considered for U–Oax–Oax (linear) or U–Oax–Oeq (linear) interactions, where applicable (see Section 3.3
The value of the amplitude reduction factor (S02) for a U absorber measured on beamline B18 (DLS) was determined in the model for UO2 as 0.86, using pathways generated from the file for UO2 (ICSD No. 160814) (Greaux et al., 2008), and was thereafter fixed in the model for the fitting of all other phases. The first-shell for UVI-contacted mineral phases was determined by setting S02 in the model and allowing the product of (NX1 × S02) to vary, where NX1 is the first-shell coordination number.
The UVI-contacted minerals were also measured by solid-state 27Al MAS-NMR spectroscopy, as well as pure-phase ettringite and hydrotalcite for comparison. Samples were packed into 4 mm ZrO2 sample rotors and spectra were collected using a Bruker Avance III HD 500 spectrometer at 11.4 T, with a resulting Larmor frequency of 130.32 MHz for 27Al. 27Al chemical shifts were referenced to Al(NO3)3 (aq). A magic angle spinning (MAS) rate of 12.5 kHz was applied. Conventional single-pulse experiments were carried out using an optimized pulse length of 1.4 µs and recycle delays of 35 s and 25 s for ettringite and hydrotalcite systems, respectively. A total of 256 scans were acquired for each sample. Post-processing of the data was carried out using the TopSpin 4.0.6 software, and data were normalized by integrated area.
3. Results
3.1. UVI uptake by ettringite and hydrotalcite
The pH measurements for the 0.5 mM and 10 mM UVI solutions both before and after contact with ettringite and hydrotalcite are given in Table 3. The removal of UVI from solution (i.e. UVI uptake by the solid) as a percentage of [UVI]t=0 by both ettringite and hydrotalcite is shown in Fig. 2
(a). At both 0.5 mM and 10 mM UVI, ettringite effectively showed complete uptake of UVI (>99%) whereas hydrotalcite showed ∼30% uptake at both UVI concentrations. It was concluded that the discrepancy in the uptake between the two mineral phases was due to the significant amount of dissolved carbonate released from the hydrotalcite phases, leading to UVI-carbonate complex formation in solution, increasing the UVI solubility and thus decreasing the amount of UVI uptake by the solid phase (Pshinko et al., 2013
![]() | Figure 2 Aqueous elemental analysis of solutions containing UVI and cement minerals. (a) UVI removal from solution by ettringite and hydrotalcite as a percentage of [UVI]t = 0; (b) Ca, Al and S release from ettringite in contact with UVI; (c) Al and Mg release from hydrotalcite in contact with UVI. Error bars represent one standard deviation of triplicate samples. |
The release of Ca, Al, S or Mg from ettringite and hydrotalcite into solution is given in Figs. 2(b) and 2
(c), respectively. Ca and S release from ettringite was shown to increase with increasing UVI concentration, thus with a decrease in pH. The release of Ca was over two times higher after contact with 10 mM UVI compared with 0.5 mM UVI ([Ca] = ∼1000 ppm versus ∼450 ppm), whereas the S concentration showed a smaller increase ([S] = ∼300 ppm versus ∼400 ppm). For hydrotalcite, the Mg release was very low in the 0.5 mM [UVI] solution, at 0.20 ± 0.02 ppm, and was significantly increased in the 10 mM UVI solution, at 36.2 ± 1.8 ppm. This observed leaching was insufficient to significantly alter the minerals, which retained their crystallographic structure (see Section 3.2
The Al release in both ettringite and hydrotalcite displayed the opposite behaviour, i.e. the concentrations decreased with increasing UVI concentration (i.e. with decreasing pH). For hydrotalcite, this could be related to the decrease in Al solubility with decreasing pH at the two different UVI concentrations (pH ∼10.2 compared with pH ∼7.8). For ettringite, this could also be the case to a certain extent, with a pH decrease from ∼10.5 to ∼9.5; however, the explanation for this could be more complex and requires the justifications of XRD and NMR analyses (see Sections 3.3 and 3.4
3.2. Phase analysis before and after UVI contact
The concentrations of Ca, S, Al or Mg released into solution and measured pH (Table 3) were input modelled using Phreeqc, at UVI concentrations of 0.5 mM (119 ppm) and 10 mM (2380 ppm), to ascertain the thermodynamically feasible Ca-, S-, Al-, Mg- and/or U-containing saturated phases in the corresponding systems (Fig. 3
![]() | Figure 3 Geochemical modelling results showing all estimated saturated phases over the experimental pH range measured for the (a) ettringite and (b) hydrotalcite samples, in contact with 0.5 mM UVI and 10 mM UVI. |
Boehmite and diaspore (AlO(OH) polymorphs, denoted as `B' and `D', respectively), corundum (Al2O3), gibbsite (Al(OH)3), metaschoepite (UO3·2H2O) and uranium hydroxide (UO2(OH)2) were identified as being saturated in both hydrotalcite-UVI systems [Fig. 3(b)]. For the ettringite-UVI systems, calcium uranate (CaUO4) was additionally identified; however, at the 10 mM UVI concentration, Al2O3 had a negative saturation index, likely due to the low concentration of Al measured in solution [Fig. 3
(a)]. Although the calcium uranate phase identified in this system is a high-temperature phase (Takahashi et al., 1993
), hydrous forms of calcium uranate exist (e.g. CaU2O7·xH2O(cr)) and calcium uranate phases are typically solubility limiting for U/Ca at high pH (Finch & Ewing, 1997
; Valsami-Jones & Ragnarsdöttir, 1997
; Sutton et al., 2003
; Ding et al., 2016
; Ding, 2017
; Çevirim-Papaioannou et al., 2018
; Yalçıntaş et al., 2019
; Adam et al., 2021
The geochemical modelling predictions were evaluated upon XRD analysis of the UVI-contacted phases (Fig. 4). The reflections assigned to the originally synthesized ettringite phase [powder diffraction file (PDF) No. 04-013-3691] (Goetz-Neunhoeffer et al., 2006
) were still present in the samples contacted with 0.5 mM and 10 mM UVI solution [Fig. 4
(a)]. The peak attributed to the reflection of anhydrite [CaSO4; PDF No. 00-037-1496 (McMurdie et al., 1986
)] at ∼25.5° 2θ (denoted `A') disappeared at both UVI concentrations, likely due to the dissolution of anhydrite by the low-pH uranyl nitrate solution. The peaks assigned to gypsum [CaSO4·2H2O; PDF No. 00-033-0311 (Morris et al., 1980
); denoted `G'] decreased in intensity, relative to ettringite, after contact with 0.5 mM UVI but increased in intensity after contact with 10 mM UVI, which is unexpected given the corresponding increase in Ca and S released to solution. This therefore suggests increased ettringite dissolution in the 10 mM UVI solution, compared with gypsum dissolution. The lower concentration of Al in the 10 mM UVI solution could, therefore, be explained by the precipitation of a poorly crystalline secondary Al hydroxide phase, potentially indicated by the regions of diffuse scattering observed between ∼7–13° and ∼26–30° 2θ (denoted `am'), that could also be U-containing. Given that >99% uptake of UVI was observed and no other U-containing phases were identifiable by XRD, it is certainly plausible that these amorphous regions may arise from a poorly crystalline U-containing phase. 27Al MAS-NMR analysis on these solid phases was used to evaluate these hypotheses (see Section 3.4
![]() | Figure 4 XRD patterns of (a) ettringite [PDF No. 04-013-3691 (Goetz-Neunhoeffer et al., 2006 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The XRD peaks for nanocrystalline hydrotalcite [PDF No. 01-082-8041 (Taylor, 1973)] were maintained on addition of both 0.5 mM and 10 mM UVI solutions [Fig. 4
(b)]. The diffuse nature of these diffraction patterns makes the identification of any low-yield secondary phases challenging; however, there appears to be little to no change in the diffraction pattern on addition of both concentrations of UVI. In the starting phase a peak at ∼29.5° 2θ was partially indexed as boehmite [AlO(OH); PDF No. 01-074-2895 (Bokhimi et al., 2001
)]. This phase was also present in the 0.5 mM UVI-contacted sample but not in the 10 mM UVI-contacted sample. In both the ettringite and hydrotalcite systems, there was no obvious (i.e. XRD observable) identification of the mineral phases indicated by the corresponding geochemical modelling.
3.3. Local coordination chemistry of UVI associated with ettringite and hydrotalcite
The U LIII-edge energy XANES spectra and k3-weighted spectra for the standard U-bearing mineral and ceramic phases and the UVI-contacted ettringite and hydrotalcite minerals are shown in Figs. 5(a) and 5
(b), respectively, along with the percentage composition of XANES signals contributing to the linear combination fits for the UVI-contacted ettringite and hydrotalcite systems in Fig. 5
(c). The results for the weighted component for each linear combination fit are also given in Table 4
‡CaUO4 for ettringite and MgUO4 for hydrotalcite. |
![]() | Figure 5 U LIII-edge energy spectra of all UVI-contacted phases and mineral standards, showing (a) the XANES region (normalized and offset for clarity); (b) the corresponding k3-weighted spectra (offset for clarity); and (c) a bar graph highlighting the percentage component of signals contributing to the linear combination fit of each system (graphical fits are given in the supporting information). |
The linear combination fit for the XANES region of the UVI-contacted ettringite phases did not alter significantly as a function of UVI concentration. The XANES signals were comparable largely with those of the mixed becquerelite/metaschoepite mineral phase, at ∼77% and ∼70% for 0.5 mM and 10 mM UVI solutions, respectively. The remainder of the signals showed a contribution similar to that of calcium uranate (CaUO4) in both cases. Signal domination from the becquerelite/metaschoepite phase indicates the retention of the uranyl moiety, that may be bonded to Ca, in addition to the co-formation of a calcium uranate type phase.
The linear combination fit for the XANES region of the UVI-contacted hydrotalcite phases also showed a similar pattern irrespective of UVI concentration. The majority of the XANES signals were comparable with those of the mixed bayleyite/andersonite phase, at >90% for both concentrations of UVI. The small remainder of the signals were comparable with those of magnesium uranate (MgUO4) in both cases. This is indicative of the formation of a uranyl carbonate phase, which may be bonded to Mg, in addition to the co-formation of a magnesium uranate type phase.
The k3-weighted spectra and radial distribution profiles of the UVI-contacted ettringite and hydrotalcite minerals, and subsequent model fits for each, are shown in Fig. 6, with the fit parameters given in Table 5
. Additionally, fit parameters for the mixed bayleyite/andersonite and mixed becquerelite/metaschoepite mineral phases are given.
‡Graphical fits are shown in the supporting information. |
![]() | Figure 6 Local coordination analysis of UVI in contact with cement minerals. (a) k3-weighted spectra and model fit (dashed red lines) for ettringite; (b) corresponding Fourier-transformed radial plots; (c) k3-weighted spectra and model fits (dashed red lines) for hydrotalcite; (d) corresponding Fourier-transformed radial plots and fits. |
For UVI-contacted ettringite systems, the Fourier transform window was set between k = ∼3 and k = ∼13 Å−1. A combination of FEFF pathways was generated using the files for metaschoepite [((UO2)4O(OH)6)(H2O)5; ICSD No. 156714] and becquerelite [Ca((UO2)6O4(OH)6)(H2O)8; ICSD No. 94620] (Burns & Li, 2002; Klingensmith et al., 2007
). For ettringite contacted with 0.5 mM UVI, the Oax distance was refined at 1.827 ± 0.012 Å with NO1 = 2.9 ± 0.3. A split equatorial shell was evident by fitting subsequent Oeq pathways refined at distances of 2.23 ± 0.02, 2.34 ± 0.02, 2.45 ± 0.03 and 2.90 ± 0.04 Å with NO2 = 1, NO3 = 2, NO4 = 1 and NO5 = 1, respectively. A Ca scatterer was also fitted at 3.62 ± 0.07 Å with NCa1 = 1, by refining the pathway generated for the U–Ca distance in becquerelite. A subsequent U distance was also fitted at 3.80 ± 0.06 Å with NU1 = 1. It should be noted that the data for this phase were not well resolved after ∼10 A−1 in k, as demonstrated in Fig. 6
When the model used for the 0.5 mM UVI-ettringite data was applied to the 10 mM UVI-ettringite data, it yielded a poor fit. Rather, a different model was devised that contained no U–Ca pathway. Instead, a U–C pathway was fitted, generated using the file for andersonite [Na2Ca(UO2(CO3)3)·x(H2O); ICSD No. 15533] (Coda et al., 1981). This is suggestive of carbonation of the phase, likely from some unavoidable CO2 ingress during storage or measurement, leading to coordination of U to C. The first Oax distance was refined at 1.837 ± 0.008 Å with NO1 = 1.7 ± 0.2. A split equatorial shell was also evident by fitting subsequent Oeq pathways refined at distances of 2.24 ± 0.01, 2.38 ± 0.02, 2.53 ± 0.03 Å with NO2 = 2, NO3 = 2, NO4 = 1, respectively; however, these fitted distances were closer than with the 0.5 mM system. The C distance was refined at 2.91 ± 0.05 Å with NC1 = 1, with two subsequent U scatterers also fitted at distances of 3.74 ± 0.03 and 3.90 ± 0.03 Å, both with NU1,2 = 1. It should be noted that the MS pathways considered for U–Oax–Oax or U–Oax–Oeq were not included in the fit for either of the UVI-contacted ettringite minerals, due to the expected low-symmetry geometry of UVI in the phase formed, as discussed further in Section 4.1
For UVI-contacted hydrotalcite systems, the Fourier transform window was set between k = ∼3.5 and k = ∼12 Å−1. A combination of FEFF pathways was generated using the files for bayleyite [Mg2(UO2(CO3)3)·18H2O; ICSD No. 32101] and magnesium orthouranate [Mg(UO2)2; ICSD No. 24725] (Zachariasen, 1954; Mayer & Mereiter, 1986
). For hydrotalcite contacted with 0.5 mM UVI, the Oax distance was refined at 1.814 ± 0.009 Å with NO1 = 2.5 ± 0.2. The subsequent Oeq pathway was refined at 2.44 ± 0.01 Å with NO2 = 4. A C scatterer was fitted at a distance of 2.93 ± 0.02 Å with NC1 = 3, by refining the pathway generated for the U–C distance in bayleyite. A U scatterer was also fitted at 3.39 ± 0.03 Å with NU1 = 2, by refining the pathway generated for the U–U distance in magnesium orthouranate. A subsequent Mg distance was also fitted at 3.83 ± 0.02 Å with NMg1 = 4.
It was possible to fit the 10 mM UVI-contacted hydrotalcite data with the same model, and the distances refined were the same within error. The value of NO1 refined for Oax was slightly increased at 2.8 ± 0.2. It should be noted that an Al scatterer at the same distance in place of Mg also yielded a similar fit and R factor; however the results from 27Al MAS-NMR analyses justify the fitting of Mg in this case (see Section 3.4).
The U–Oax–Oax MS pathway was also fitted at approximately twice the distance of R for the SS U–Oax pathway in both the UVI-contacted hydrotalcite phases. The contribution to the fit was minor in both cases, and contributions at R > 3 Å were largely dominated by Mg and U single scatterers rather than the MS pathway.
3.4. Influence of UVI on the chemical environment of Al
The normalized 27Al MAS-NMR spectra of pure-phase and UVI-contacted ettringite phases are shown in Fig. 7(a). The main peak exhibited an observed (δobs) at δobs = 15 ppm, which arises from the two octahedrally coordinated Al sites in ettringite that cannot be further resolved at the magnetic field used in this study (9.4 T) (Skibsted et al., 2017
). These sites are denoted as `Ett-Al'. There is an additional small, broad peak at δobs = ∼10 ppm present in the pure-phase ettringite phase, appearing as a shoulder of the main ettringite peak, which is attributed to octahedrally coordinated Al in calcium aluminate monosulfate phases [AFm, Ca4(Al2O6)(SO4).12H2O]. This arises from minor impurities of this phase, remnant from the synthesis process and not detectable by XRD. This site is denoted as `AFm-Al' (Skibsted et al., 1993
![]() | Figure 7 27Al MAS-NMR (B0 = 11.7 T, νR = 12.5 kHz) spectra of (a) pristine ettringite and ettringite contacted with 0.5 mM and 10 mM UVI; (b) the same data as (a) but highlighting the `AFm-Al' region of the spectra; and (c) pristine hydrotalcite and hydrotalcite contacted with 0.5 mM and 10 mM UVI. |
The peak arising from octahedral Al in ettringite was maintained after contact of the phase with UVI at both concentrations [Fig. 7(a)]. This is consistent with the retention of diffraction peaks for ettringite in the corresponding XRD patterns. However, the shoulder for the octahedral Al sites in AFm was only observed in the pristine sample and the phase contacted with 10 mM UVI, albeit at a slightly lower intensity than in the pristine mineral phase [Fig. 7
(b)]. This behaviour could be attributed to two possible scenarios, given that Al release into solution was higher for the 0.5 mM UVI sample when compared with the 10 mM UVI sample: (i) increased dissolution of the impurity AFm phase at 0.5 mM UVI and/or higher retention at 10 mM UVI; or (ii) the precipitation of a poorly crystalline or low-yield U-substituted AFm phase in the 10 mM UVI-contacted sample, given that AFm is a LDH that can display ion-exchange capabilities (Aimoz et al., 2012
The normalized 27Al MAS-NMR spectra of pristine and UVI-contacted hydrotalcite phases are shown in Fig. 7(c). The spectra displayed a peak at δobs = 11 ppm, which is attributed to the single octahedrally coordinated Al environment in hydrotalcite that is surrounded by octahedrally coordinated Mg atoms (Walkley & Provis, 2019
; Sideris et al., 2012
). This peak is denoted as `HT-Al'. There was also a shoulder observed at δ = 1–3 ppm in all spectra, which arises due to shielding of some of the Al atoms due to the presence of CO32− interlayer anions in hydrotalcite (denoted as `HT-C') (Walkley & Provis, 2019
; Sideris et al., 2012
). The observation of these peaks at all concentrations of UVI contact is consistent with the retention of diffuse diffraction peaks for hydrotalcite in the corresponding XRD patterns. There was no notable change observed in the spectra as a result of UVI contact at both concentrations, which suggests that no significant solid-phase structural interaction of UVI with Al within the hydrotalcite phase occurred.
4. Discussion
4.1. UVI-ettringite systems
In the ettringite system, the XRD peaks for ettringite were maintained upon contact with both concentrations of UVI. However, identification of an amorphous region in the XRD pattern could be the result of a poorly crystalline Al- or Ca- and UVI-bearing phase. Geochemical modelling estimations and previous literature allude to the formation of a calcium uranate type phase as the most highly saturated UVI-bearing phase, due to the abundance of Ca in the system.
The results from the XANES region linear combination fitting analyses indicate that the XANES region was largely dominated by a signal similar to that of the mixed becquerelite/metaschoepite mineral phase at both concentrations of UVI. This indicates that the uranyl moiety [O=U=O]2+ was maintained, and with reference to the model fits this is likely to be in a pentagonal bipyramidal coordination given that a total of NOeq = 5 were fitted for samples of ettringite exposed to 0.5 mM and 10 mM UVI. This is also consistent with the UVI geometry found in becquerelite (Colmenero et al., 2018) (see also the model fit for mixed becquerelite/metaschoepite in Table 5
). In uranyl compounds that display this low-symmetry coordination geometry, it has been shown that contributions from MS pathways are very minor and do not contribute significantly to spectral features (Thompson et al., 1997
). This was evident when performing the fits and accounts for the exclusion of the MS pathways for the UVI-contacted ettringite phases (and becquerelite/metaschoepite mineral). Whilst signal contribution from a calcium uranate type environment was also indicated by XANES linear combination fitting, it is likely that this would form in this system as a hydrous analogue [e.g. CaU2O7·xH2O(cr)] (Çevirim-Papaioannou et al., 2018
). Calcium uranate phases have previously been found to form in cementitious systems (Sutton et al., 2003
; Felipe-Sotelo et al., 2017
Although the VI-contacted ettringite systems varied most notably by inclusion/exclusion of Ca/C scattering atoms, this is thought to be a result of unavoidable carbonation of the 10 mM UVI-contacted ettringite phase during preparation or analysis. In this case, the fitting of a C scatterer suggests the formation of a uranyl carbonate type phase, whereby UVI could be coordinated to a carbonate ligand. Such a phase would thus display a XANES signal that is not easily distinguishable from that of a becquerelite-type phase or the 0.5 mM phase. However, the model interpretation must be treated with some caution, as C and Ca are relatively low-Z atoms and may not display a large contribution to the signal, especially in such disordered and multi-phase systems. The fitting of U scatterers in both cases was a strong indication that a secondary UVI precipitate was formed.
model fits of the two UFrom the 27Al NMR data, a significant change in the main peak corresponding to the octahedrally coordinated Al sites in ettringite was not observed as a result of UVI contact. This suggests that there was no incorporation of UVI, for example, into the columnar channels of the ettringite structure, even at the `borderline trace' (i.e. sorption-controlled) concentration of UVI (0.5 mM). It is thought that a close proximity of UVI to Al hydroxide polyhedra in this way would result in a downward shift in δobs, as a result of increased shielding of Al nuclei by U. Considering these observations, it seems plausible that at both concentrations of UVI a poorly crystalline surface or secondary precipitate containing Ca would be partly responsible for the sequestration of UVI in an ettringite-only system.
The presence of an AFm-SO4 (Ca4(Al2O6)(SO4)·xH2O) impurity in the ettringite phase was indicated by the shoulder on the main ettringite peak, at ∼10 ppm by 27Al MAS-NMR. This peak was shown to diminish for the sample contacted with 0.5 mM UVI, but it was evident for the sample contacted with 10 mM UVI. This behaviour coincides with the relative leaching of Al from ettringite upon contact with the low-pH uranyl nitrate bearing solution [Fig. 2(b)], i.e. the 0.5 mM UVI-contacted sample released more Al into solution than the 10 mM UVI-contacted sample; therefore, in the former, the AFm-SO4 phase was not retained, while in the latter it was. However, since the relative leaching of Ca and S was higher in the 10 mM UVI solution than in the 0.5 mM UVI solution, due to the lower pH of the former (pH ∼2.8 and ∼3.6, for 10 mM UVI and 0.5 mM UVI, respectively), if one assumes that in the 10 mM UVI solution ettringite was leached more than in the 0.5 mM UVI solution, then the discrepancy in Al leaching may be attributed to the formation of a secondary Al phase that incorporates UVI, potentially AFm-UVI.
While it has been shown that AFt-SO4 (i.e. ettringite) phases have capacity for the uptake of anionic species such as pertechnetate (TcO4−) (Saslow et al., 2020), evidence for the same behaviour in AFm-SO4 phases is more limited. One example is that of iodate (I−), which has been shown to incorporate into the interlayer of AFm-SO4 to form an AFm phase with a mixed sulfate and iodate interlayer (Aimoz et al., 2012
). The results from geochemical modelling performed in the present study indicated the presence of uranyl hydroxide/sulfate anions in solution at the pH values of the ettringite solutions (pH ∼10), including: (UO2)3(OH)7−, UO2(OH)3−, UO2(OH)42− and UO2(SO4)22−. The precipitation of an AFm-UVI phase is therefore plausible, with the higher concentration of UVI in the 10 mM solution, and thus higher UVI uptake is required for formation and/or detection of this phase by NMR.
From the species identified by geochemical modelling, the UO2(OH)42− and UO2(SO4)22− anions are the most likely candidates that could directly exchange into an AFm-SO4 interlayer, potentially forming `Ca4(Al2O6)(UO2(OH)4).xH2O'- and `Ca4(Al2O6)(UO2(SO4)2).xH2O'-type phases, respectively, taking into account the charge balance. However, given that the ionic radius of a sulfate anion (SO42−) is 2.42 Å (Marcus, 1988), the aforementioned uranyl hydroxide or uranyl sulfate anion combinations would encompass a much larger ionic radius [e.g. OH− = 1.1 Å (Marcus, 2012
); UO22+ ≃ 0.95 Å (Dean et al., 2008
)]. An anion-exchange process may therefore be size limited and identification of such a phase is speculative without further evidence from analysis of a solely UVI-exchanged AFm-SO4 phase.
4.2. UVI-hydrotalcite systems
For the UVI-contacted hydrotalcite systems, no significant change in the XRD pattern was observed when compared with the pristine hydrotalcite. However, approximately 30% of [UVI]t = 0 was removed from solution at both concentrations of UVI, indicating that UVI was sequestered by the solid phase to some extent.
The results from the XANES linear combination fitting and VI-contacted hydrotalcite systems indicated that the coordination of UVI was largely unchanged as a function of UVI concentration. A large contribution to the XANES signal linear combination fit in both cases was attributed to the mixed bayleyite/andersonite mineral phase. This indicates that the uranyl moiety [O=U=O]2+ was maintained. With reference to the model fit, the value of NO2 = 4 for Oeq agrees with the value of NO2 for that of the uranyl carbonate mixed bayleyite/andersonite mineral phase. These minerals both display a hexagonal bipyramidal UVI geometry (Mayer & Mereiter, 1986; Coda et al., 1981
). A small signal contribution from magnesium uranate in both cases was also indicated in the XANES region; as with calcium uranate, it is likely that this phase would be hydrous in nature [e.g. MgU2O7·xH2O(cr)] (Yalçıntaş et al., 2019
The Oax, Oeq and C distances obtained in the model fits for the UVI-contacted hydrotalcite systems are also fairly typical of a uranyl carbonate phase. The distances are summarized in Table 6, and compared with the values obtained for the mixed bayleyite/andersonite phase (EXAFS model fits given in Table 5
) and for those reported by van Veelen et al. (2018
) for brucite (Mg(OH)2), hydromagnesite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O) and nesquehonite (MgCO3·3H2O) minerals contacted with a 2 mM uranyl nitrate solution at ∼34 g l−1.
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In the results obtained by van Veelen et al. (2018), Mg and U scatterers were fitted at distances of ∼3.6 Å and ∼3.9 Å, respectively. This is in contrast to the result obtained here for hydrotalcite, where Mg and U were fitted conversely at ∼3.8 and ∼3.4 Å, respectively. This could be a result of the UVI coordination having mixed magnesium uranate character in conjunction with the formation of a uranyl carbonate phase, whereby the scattering U atom is at a closer scattering distance in magnesium uranate phases, compared with its relative position in a uranyl carbonate phase only (Zachariasen, 1954
The 27Al MAS-NMR spectra for hydrotalcite are unchanged as a result of UVI addition to hydrotalcite which indicates that Al did not play a role in the uptake and coordination of UVI, therefore supporting the concept of Mg as the scattering atom in the model. This is consistent with the formation of a UVI,Mg,C-containing surface precipitate or sorbed species, rather than anion-exchange into the hydrotalcite interlayer. This observation is also in agreement with the work of van Veelen et al. (2018), who proposed that UVI was sorbed to the surface of Mg-bearing minerals as an outer-sphere complex. The sequestration of UVI by carbonate in this case is highly conceivable given the presumed abundance of carbonate released into solution by the hydrotalcite phases, and the fact that carbonate has a high affinity for UVI complexation (Sutton et al., 2003
4.3. Implications for waste disposal
For the ettringite systems, uptake of UVI directly by the ettringite phase was not apparent. Rather, the formation of a poorly crystalline hydrous Ca-containing phase was more plausible. In addition to this, uptake by an AFm impurity contained within the system seemed a more likely mechanism for UVI structural uptake. Like ettringite, AFm-SO4 phases are prominent LDH phases that are present in cement matrices, particularly for blast-furnace slag containing blends. Therefore, these should be further investigated to understand their capacity for uptake of UVI. Further to this, the development of calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cements shows potential for applications in management, and such cements will encompass high levels of ettringite and AFm-SO4 phases (Zhou et al., 2006). Understanding the role that sulfate-containing minerals play in sequestration of highly mobile actinides is therefore pertinent to underpinning the effectiveness of cement blends used for encapsulation, both now and in the future.
The hydrotalcite phases also displayed uptake of UVI through formation of what was concluded to be a surface-sorbed uranyl magnesium carbonate phase, similar to the mineral phase bayleyite, but potentially with some mixed magnesium uranate character. Mg- and Al-containing cement blends, where hydrotalcite forms during hydration, may therefore show good sequestration of aqueous UVI if it is immobilized by association to carbonate and Mg. These findings could also be important if Mg(OH)2 sludge wastes are to be immobilized using a cement binder in the future; the high concentration of Mg associated with such sludges derived from the UK Magnox programme will likely lead to formation of significant deposits of hydrotalcite-type LDH minerals within the cement matrix (Walling et al., 2014), which will be able to effectively immobilize UVI also present in the waste itself.
5. Conclusions
Consideration of minor cement hydrate phases for the sequestration of UVI in cement matrices has not been widely reported. Here, for the first time we have probed the solid-state chemistry of ettringite and hydrotalcite minerals that have been subjected to aqueous solutions of UVI using XRD, U LIII-edge and 27Al MAS-NMR; these studies are relevant to understanding disposal of actinide-containing materials in cements.
Ettringite phases showed >99% uptake of UVI from solution. Although direct incorporation of UVI into the ettringite structure was not observed in this case, the abundance of Ca in the ettringite systems was likely responsible for sequestering UVI within a Ca-bearing uranyl oxyhydroxide phase or as a hydrous calcium uranate type phase, as indicated by results. This is in agreement with the previous studies that have determined Ca to be solubility limiting for UVI in high-Ca (i.e. cementitious) systems (Sutton et al., 2003; Felipe-Sotelo et al., 2017
). 27Al MAS-NMR results indicated that there was no change in the Al coordination environment in the ettringite structure; however, the presence of, or formation of, an AFm-SO4 phase that may incorporate UVI was alluded to by changes in the `AFm-Al' region of the NMR spectrum. Further investigation into the sorption and anion-exchange capacity of AFm phases for UVI (aq) is required.
Hydrotalcite phases displayed some limited UVI uptake (∼30%) and results indicated that this was attributed to the formation of a precipitated or sorbed uranyl carbonate phase. 27Al MAS-NMR results showed that there was no observable change in the Al coordination environments in the hydrotalcite phases, leading to the conclusion that the uranyl carbonate phase was a Mg-containing uranyl carbonate phase. This highlights the importance of carbonate in LDH and/or cementitious systems for sequestering UVI, a scenario that is corroborated by the strong tendency of carbonate to complex UVI and form uranyl carbonate species.
Supporting information
Local coordination analysis of U(VI) in becquerelite/metaschoepite and bayleyite/andersonite using https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577521011553/yw5003sup1.pdf
Stephen Parry and Giannantonio Cibin are gratefully acknowledged for their assistance with data collection at Diamond Light Source. Collection of 27Al MAS-NMR data was performed at the Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield by Sandra van Meurs and Craig Robertson.
Funding information
This research was performed in part at the HADES/MIDAS facility at the University of Sheffield established with financial support from the EPSRC and BEIS, under grant No. EP/T011424/1. We acknowledge financial support from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and the DISTINCTIVE consortium under EPSRC grant No. EP/L01404/1. CLC would also like to thank the EPSRC for the award of an Early Career Research Fellowship under grant No. EP/N017374/1. Collection of U LIII-edge data was performed on B18 at the Diamond Light Source, UK (proposal No. SP17782).
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