Figure 4
XRD patterns of (a) ettringite [PDF No. 04-013-3691 (Goetz-Neunhoeffer et al., 2006 )] and (b) hydrotalcite [PDF No. 01-082-8041 (Taylor, 1973 )], before and after contact with UVI at 0.5 mM and 10 mM. A = anhydrite [CaSO4; PDF No. 00-037-1496 (McMurdie et al., 1986 )]; G = gypsum [CaSO4·2H2O; PDF No. 00-033-0311 (Morris et al., 1980 )]. Diffraction patterns are normalized to the maximum peak intensity in both systems. In (a), regions of diffuse scattering are a result of sample preparation methods for radioactive samples unless denoted by `am'. In (b), background subtraction was performed on the diffraction patterns to highlight the diffuse diffraction peaks. The black diamond symbol indicates an unidentified phase and the asterisk indicates the background from sample preparation methods that could not be subtracted. |