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Figure 6
Registration results with a TXM XANES dataset. (a) Global reference image. (b) Average Poisson noise-to-signal ratio as a function of image index in the region of interest marked with the red box in (a). (c) Line plot along the line in (a). The dip position indicates the crack position in the line. (d)–(f) Line plots for each image in the dataset after the registrations with FPC, SSD and TVDM, respectively. With an ideal registration, the dip positions in all the lines should be the same. (g)–(i) XANES spectra at points A and B marked in (a) based on aligned image stacks with FPC, SSD and TVDM, respectively. Alignment errors have more impact on the spectra in the particles' boundary regions.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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