Figure 4
Temperature dependences of the mean relaxation times 〈τ〉 of the crosslinked PB in the unstretched state (γ = 0) at q = 14 nm−1 (red circles) and 29 nm−1 (blue open triangles), and under uniaxial deformation (γ = 0.4) at q = 14 nm−1 in the directions parallel (green filled squares) and perpendicular (magenta filled diamonds) to elongation. Also shown are the temperature dependences of the mean relaxation times 〈τ〉 of the crosslinked PB at 29 nm−1 in the direction perpendicular (cyan filled down-triangles) to elongation. The solid curves represent fitting of the data to the Vogel–Fulcher–Tammann equation. The dashed lines represent fitting of the data to the Arrhenius equation where the activation energy of the JG β-process for the non-crosslinked PB is 35 kJ mol−1. |