Figure 5
(a) Strain dependences of the mean relaxation times 〈τ〉 at q = 14 nm−1 in the directions parallel (green open circles, green filled up-triangles) and perpendicular (red open squares, magenta filled down-triangles) to elongation of the crosslinked PB. (b) Strain dependences of the mean relaxation times 〈τ〉 at q = 29 nm−1 in the direction perpendicular to elongation (blue open circles, cyan filled up-triangle) of the crosslinked PB. The cyan filled up-triangles, the magenta filled down-triangles and the green filled up-triangles represent the values of 〈τ〉 when the crosslinked PB was stretched to γ = 0.8 and then deformed to γ = 0.4. The black solid lines represent the stress–strain curves. |