Figure 1
(Left) Layout of the XRayTracer-simulated spectrometer. The X-ray source is located at the origin; the two analyzer crystals, approximating the conical analyzer, are represented with the blue and red reflection points at x = 105.5 mm, while the detector plane is parallel to the x-axis and is at y = 800 mm (the center positions of the components as well as the scales are given in millimetres). (Right) 3D visualization of the setup used for the ray-tracing simulations. Red and blue tracks represent Ni and Cu Kα radiation, respectively. The plasma source is not shown here; the detector surface is represented by the dark gray square at the far side of the picture, perpendicular to the line connecting the source and the detector. The conical analyzer is simulated by two narrow cylindrical analyzers with bending radius equal to that of the conical analyzer at the same position (109.7 mm and 103.4 mm for Ni and Cu, respectively). |