Figure 8
(a) Cut of the total raw detector image recording the Cu Kα XES spectrum of a polycapillary Cu anode X-ray tube via the conical-analyzer-based von Hámos spectrometer. The horizontal axis corresponds to the dispersive direction of the spectrometer, the vertical axis to the focusing direction. Intensity units are untreated ADU. The X-ray tube was operated at 50 kV and 1 mA, acquisition time was 10 s. (b) Effect of sliding the detector along the line connecting the detector and the source (`detector position' axis) on the focal size of the Kα1 peak. The latter is extracted from each single detector image by choosing the column with the highest intensity [an example of the chosen data column is represented by the orange line in (a)]. (c) Width of the focus of the chosen Kα1 peak column as a function of detector position. |