Figure 2
Diffraction patterns of FeBO3 single crystal in a DAC with Ne PTM at 103.3 (1) GPa. (a) A representative section of a 2D diffraction pattern. The Bragg peaks from diamond anvils are shaded in red; representative peaks of FeBO3 and Ne are indexed. (b) 1D diffraction pattern. The inset shows a micrograph of the sample chamber indicating the position of the FeBO3 single crystal and the inner edge of the Re gasket (green circle) which is also the outer edge of the amorphous metal insert; for scale, the diamond culet diameter is 150 µm. No strong scattering from the gasket material was observed at 100 GPa, although the X-ray beam was focused to 8 µm × 3 µm and the beam tails were non-negligible. |