Figure 5
Radial diffraction patterns of GeO2 polymorph at 103 (1) GPa. (a) Unwrapped 2D diffraction pattern (the vertical axis corresponds to the azimuthal angle). Diffraction lines of GeO2 are indexed. The narrow and straight diffraction lines indicate small grains and low amount of strain in the sample. Diamond peaks were masked prior to 1D pattern integration. (b) The matching 1D diffraction pattern and the corresponding GSAS-II fit. The raw intensities, I (obs), are shown by the dark blue line. The light blue line corresponds to the raw data with the background intensity, I (bkg), subtracted. Tick marks indicate positions of the diffraction lines from GeO2 at 103 (1) GPa. I (calc) and Diff correspond to the calculated intensities (green line) and the residuals of the Le Bail fit (purple line), respectively. |