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Figure 7
X-ray transmission maps (1D and 2D) across the anvils of the t-DAC and XRD patterns collected from the Fe + MgO sample. (a) The mapped area of 200 µm × 200 µm (step size of 4 µm) displays the transmission profile of the entire primary anvil culet which is increased to ∼105–110 µm after manufacturing of the toroidal tip. (b) The mapped area of 50 µm × 50 µm offers a detailed view (step size of 2 µm). The position of iron is indicated by the arrow and confirmed by 2D pXRD mapping. (c) 1D toroidal anvil X-ray transmission profiles at different pressures. (d) The integrated 1D diffraction pattern of Fe and MgO sample at ∼280 (5) GPa. The inset shows a part of a 2D diffraction image. The pressures here were calculated using the MgO EoS from Jacobsen et al. (2008BB19). I/I0 corresponds to the normalized value of the X-ray intensity ratio of the transmitted and the incident beams. For the clarity of the representation, the value is normalized to the transmission intensity corresponding to the toroid sample chamber position.

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