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Figure 7
Initial X-ray commissioning results performed at the SRX beamline. The measurements were taken at 12 keV photon energy; the secondary source aperture has been closed down to 10 µm. Panel (a) demonstrates a horizontal line scan across a well defined line feature on the Siemen test pattern. The initial FWHM resolution obtained during the measurements is ∼188 nm during a scan with a 50 nm step-size, 20 ms dwell time and 16 µm travel range. Panel (b) depicts a 2D scan across a Siemens star test pattern. Sub-200 nm features in the horizontal direction are clearly visible. Scan parameters: 20 µm × 20 µm scan area, 50 nm step size, and 50 ms dwell time. The overall duration of the scan was ∼3 h.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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