Figure 1
(a) I(Q) data in the Q-range of the FSDP for water and IONPs dispersed in EtOH–H2O mixture with low EtOH concentration, showing that the FSDP is slightly shifted for the mixture. (b) Evolution of I(Q) scans of IONPs in EtOH–H2O mixture with low EtOH concentration taken over time at ID31 after the EBS upgrade between 3.7 and 4.5 Å−1 showing that the Bragg reflexes in this region shift to lower Q-values after the first scan. The inset shows scans 1, 3 and 10 in the region of one of those Bragg reflexes corrected for the water background to point out the shift. (c) I(Q) scans for the same IONPs just dissolved in pure H2O for the same Q-range. Scans were taken with the same acquisition time, beam size and with the same flux as data in panel (b). No shift can be observed as pointed out in the inset showing the same Bragg reflex corrected for water background as inset of panel (b). (d) I(Q) scans of IONPs in EtOH–H2O mixture with low EtOH concentration prepared the same way as in panel (b) but measured at ID15-A before the EBS upgrade with lower photon flux on the sample. No shift can be observed; see also inset. |