Figure 2
Change of the crystalline structure of the IONPs dispersed in an EtOH–H2O mixture with low EtOH concentration upon irradiation with highly brilliant X-rays. Illustrations of the unit cells have been made using VESTA (Momma & Izumi, 2011 ). Black balls represent oxygen atoms, blue balls represent iron atoms, vacancies are illustrated by partial filling and the red and grey polyhedra illustrate [FeO6] octahedral and [FeO4] tetrahedral units, respectively. IONPs before radiation with the X-ray beam are non-stochiometric, but mostly containing Fe3+ (see Section S3 of the supporting information), crystallized in inverse spinel structure (here described with unit cell for simplicity), therefore possessing vacancies on the octahedral sites (left side). Induced by the irradiation with X-rays, both oxidative and reducing radicals are created by radiolysis of water. Due to the presence of EtOH, the oxidative radical is scavenged, a reducing atmosphere is created and Fe3+ is reduced to Fe2+, which fills the vacancies and leads to expansion of the crystal lattice due to its bigger ionic radius (unit cell on the right side). |