Figure 5
(a) Zn K-edge XAFS oscillations χ(k) for Zn foil and ZnO powder standards and for M1dr solution at room temperature, laterally shifted relative to each other for clarity. Raw (black dotted) and smoothened (pink solid) datasets for M1dr are overplotted. Inset: k3χ(k) for M1dr highlights noise over the higher k-region. (b) Fourier transform of |χ(R)| of XAFS data for M1dr, over transform range k = 2.5–10 Å−1. |χ(R)| for raw (black dotted) and smoothened (pink solid) data are overplotted. The fit |χ(R)| (solid green) is compared. The fit range R = 0.8–2 Å is marked by red vertical lines. (c) χ(q) = back-transform of χ(R) over the first shell (R = 0.8–2 Å). A beat-like feature of χ(q) is evident. Inset: φ(q) = phase of χ(q), displaying a jump at kb = 11.5 Å−1. |