Figure 1
Comparisons of wavefield propagations between the HSQ kinoform zone plate (HSQ-KZP) and the metal zone plate (Au-FZP). The wavefield propagation is calculated using the beam propagation method combined with the quasi-discrete Hankel transform [BPM-QDHT (Tong et al., 2022 )]. The resolution of the Au-FZP (a) and the HSQ-KZP (b) is 100 nm with a diameter of 100 µm. The thickness of the Au-FZP and HSQ-KZP is 250 nm and 750 nm, respectively. The diameter of the beamstop for the FZP is 50 µm. (c) Comparison of point-spread functions of the focused light by both the Au-FZP and the HSQ-KZP, respectively, at the focal plane. (d) The calculated focusing efficiencies of the Au-FZP, HSQ-KZP and PMMA-KZP for soft X-rays (500 eV) using the BPM-QDHT approach. |