Figure 1
(a) Schematic representation of the beam transport layout of the SQS branch of the SASE3 beamline (Tschentscher et al., 2017 ), which is described in detail in the text. The distance of each optical element to the source point is given at the bottom of the scheme. (b) The beam propagation conditions are schematically represented for both the vertical and the horizontal directions. The beam diverges from the source point until it reaches the first focusing element, which is M2 in the horizontal and M3 in the vertical direction. The beam converges horizontally and vertically on two different positions along the beamline, labeled HIMF and VIMF (horizontal and vertical intermediate focus, respectively), located at 90 m and 100 m distance from the respective mirrors. These positions are then the virtual sources imaged by the HFM (horizontal focusing mirror) and VFM (vertical focusing mirror) into the focal position where the experiment takes place. The dashed vertical lines indicate the position of the focusing mirrors and of the (virtual) sources and images in the vertical and horizontal directions. |