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Figure 2
(a) Calculated and measured beamline transmission, including all six optical elements, as a function of photon energy for different beam transport configurations. The dashed curves represent the reflectivity contribution to the transmission, whereas the full lines represent the total transmission given by the product of the reflectivity and the geometric acceptance contributions. Different colors of the curves correspond to different incidence angle settings for the horizontal (H) and vertical (V) chicanes. Yellow: H = 20 mrad, V = 20 mrad; red: H = 13 mrad, V = 20 mrad; blue: H = 13 mrad, V = 9 mrad; green: H = 9 mrad, V = 9 mrad. The points represent transmission measurements. Green squares (`data1'): H = 9 mrad, V = 9 mrad; gray circles (`data2'): H = 9 mrad, V = 9 mrad, probing reflectivity only (see text); red diamonds (`data3'): H = 13 mrad, V = 20 mrad. (b) Ratio between the measured and the respective calculated transmission values shown in (a). (c) Calculated beamline transmission, in logarithmic scale, showing the transmission above the cut-off energy, which determines the fraction of the original higher harmonics contribution from the undulator, which is delivered to the experiment (Baumann et al., 2023BB1).

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