Figure 4
Curves (a), (b) and (c) in black are the projection in the vertical direction of the focal beam profiles shown in Figs. 3 (a), 3(b) and 3(c), respectively. The projection of the profile obtained from a simulation assuming a source without extension in the longitudinal direction [(a), black] is compared with the projection of the same profile, assuming no diffraction effects from the finite length of the mirrors [(a), green], and assuming no surface error and no diffraction effects [(a), blue]. The projection of the profiles obtained from a simulation assuming an extended source over the last ten undulator cells [(b), black] and the projection of the profile measured by the wavefront sensor [(c), black] are compared with the projection of a fitting distribution made of the sum of two 2D Gaussian profiles [(b) and (c), red]. The projections of the individual Gaussian contributions are also plotted as dashed red lines. |