Figure 2
(a) Background-corrected, normalized, averaged radial intensity profile from the hemoglobin within bovine RBCs, static experiments (N = 6). Model fit (purple) to the average profile from the static measurements (green). The model is fitted to the data between qr = 0.8 nm−1 and qr = 4.0 nm−1, indicated by the vertical, dashed lines. The model is based on a prefactor, a form factor of bovine deoxy-hemoglobin (red, PDB:1hda) and a structure factor (yellow). The black arrow indicates a steep decay of the signal which is typical of hemoglobin and in some literature work shows up as a peak. (b) Illustration of the different components and parameters of the fit model. The form factor is given by the structure of deoxy-hemoglobin. To obtain a structure factor, the hemoglobin molecules are modeled as hard spheres (black) with radius r at a volume fraction n inside the RBCs. Moreover, the hemoglobin molecules carry charges Z (yellow circles) which are screened (κ) by salt ions (blue circles) in the cytoplasm. |