Figure 11
FFC maps displayed as height maps for (a) the Pilatus 2M CdTe detector at beamline 11-ID-C, (b) the Perkin Elmer XRD1621 at beamline 11-ID-C and (c) the Perkin Elmer XRD1621 at beamline 11-ID-B. Very large spikes in the Pilatus 2M CdTe detector are characteristic of radiation damage, with the largest spike in the center of the detector being the result of direct exposure to the X-ray beam. The large conical structure in the FFC map of the Perkin Elmer XRD1621 at 11-ID-B is the result of heavy radiation damage caused by use over many years and is characteristic of a detector that should be retired. The relatively flat FFC of the Perkin Elmer XRD1621 at 11-ID-C is characteristic of a normal-functioning detector. |