Figure 4
(a) Stack plot of HERFD-XES slices of the manganese metal XR-HERFD data at labelled intervals of 50 eV in incident energy. Evolution of the new satellite with increasing incident energy is observed. The onset of the satellite is below 7300 eV. (b) XR-HERFD map after background subtraction. (c) XR-HERFD contour plot of the significance of the satellite region. This shows the number of standard errors of the satellite after a background subtraction of the data. At peak regions on this plot, along the peak of the new process, each data point in the two-dimensional area of the new peak has a significance of more than ten standard errors σse. This corresponds to a total error signature that is many hundreds of standard errors. Conventionally, a discrepancy of three to ten standard errors is expected for a discovery. This is indicative of a new satellite. |