Figure 1
Characterization of spot size from simulated diffraction patterns of uniform disk-shaped particles under the assumption of a fully coherent Gaussian beam. (a) Gaussian beam amplitude distribution with a 2.272 µm FWHM on the x axis (FWHMx), a 1.704 µm FWHM on the y axis (FWHMy) and a peak amplitude of 1000 (arbitrary units). The beam pattern has 500 × 500 pixels. (b) Sample composed of six disk-shaped particles having the same thickness. The sample is marked with blue circles and the sample total density has been normalized. The background outside the blue circles is the normalized spot amplitude, which shows the relative positions of the spot and the sample. (c) The sample illuminated by Gaussian beam. The intensity of the illuminated sample is equal to the original intensity of the sample multiplied by the spot amplitude and the background is zero. (d) The diffraction pattern, which has 500 × 500 pixels, and to which 5% Poisson noise and 20 × 20 pixels missing data in the center have been added. (e) Reconstruction of the particles. The HIO and ER algorithms were used iteratively. The result is the average of the 100 groups with the smallest error selected from the 1000 groups used for reconstruction results. (f) Result of spot fitting. The background outside the blue circles shows the fitted spot amplitude and the blue circles mark the reconstructed particles. |