Figure 4
Panels (a)–(d) show four patterns from different particles used for reconstruction, where (d) represents the gold cube and the rest represent the gold spheres. The black dashed circles in (a)–(d) represent the size of the zeroth-order diffraction spots and the black arrows in (d) represent the diffraction direction of the main particle. The blank parts at the top of the patterns are missing data. A beamstop with 2 µm diameter was applied in the center of the detector. The signals blocked by the beamstop and its rod cause missing data. The pattern had 3605 × 3605 pixels and the detector pixel size was 15 µm. The background has been subtracted from each pattern. The background is a pattern without illuminated particles. A 5 × 5 binning with 721 × 721 pixels was applied to the patterns used for reconstruction. |