Figure 6
Effect of beam size and overlap on reconstructed images. Reconstructed CNT#2 amplitude images measured at 310 eV (LH polarization, in an area of 1.6 µm × 1.6 µm) using (a) focused beam, 62 nm (67% overlap), (b) defocused beam, 500 nm (92% overlap) and (c) defocused beam, 1000 nm (98% overlap), with the detector positioned at 56 mm. The sharpness measured from the variance of the Laplacian transform is reduced by about 14% in (b) and (c) with respect to (a). Reconstructed CNT amplitude images measured in an area of 1.6 µm × 1.6 µm at 285.2 eV (LH polarization) and a 500 nm-diameter defocused beam, recorded with (d) 10 × 10 points (68% overlap), (e) 20 × 20 points (84% overlap) and (f) 40 × 40 points (92% overlap). Details of the acquisition and reconstruction parameters are presented in Table S1. |