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Figure 1
Overview of the experimental design and the technical setup at the Australian Synchrotron Far-IR/THz beamline. (a) Schematic representation of AuSi NS localization in PC 12. The SS THz exposed PC 12 samples were analysed for AuSi NPs following a 10 min exposure. (b) BEP at the Australian Synchrotron Far-IR/THz beamline, with the inset showing the beam axis in red; the beam is present within a 19 mm diameter (blue arrow) from the inner edge to the beam axis. The PC 12 cell suspension was placed on a polyethyl­ene window (red arrow) using an O-ring in the presence of the beam. (c) The spectrum of the intensity of the Australian Synchrotron THz beamline as shown by the resident Si bolometer; intensity is presented in arbitrary units, with a logarithmic scale for the THz frequencies (Vilagosh et al., 2022BB31). (d) Depth-dependent absorption pattern of the Australian Synchrotron THz beam. The two variables share an exponential relationship where the absorption of the beam decreases as the depth of the sample increases.

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