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Figure 3
(a) Images of O-type CTT nozzles pumping water at (left) 22 ml min−1 and (right) 44 ml min−1, resulting in 100 µm-wide cylindrical liquid jets at atmospheric conditions. (b) Photograph of the O-type nozzle (inner diameter = 100 µm) during operation. (c) Rectangular slit nozzle with a 30 µm × 100 µm cross-section in operation with varying liquid flow rate. The numbers in the bottom right (1.2, 1.7, 3.5, 6.9) denote the applied liquid flow rate in ml min−1 and achieve the sample velocities required for operation at 0.141, 0.282, 0.565 and 1.13 MHz, respectively.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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