Figure 4
Examples of Kα, Kβ and VtC XES measured simultaneously with the von Hamos spectrometer at FXE. The Kα (a) and Kβ (b) XES of 5 mM solutions of [Co(bpy)3]3+ (blue) and [Co(bpy)3]2+ (red) in acetonitrile are shown. The limited dispersion window in the Co Kβ did not allow detecting the VtC region. The Kα and Kβ/VtC of a Ni foil (black) and a 10 mM aqueous solution of NiII(SO4) (orange) are shown in panels (c) and (d), respectively. The inset in panel (d) highlights the VtC region. The small discontinuity present in these data arises from the emission signal impinging in between two ASIC chips on the JUNGFRAU detector. |