Figure 1
The left-hand image shows the downstream view of the detector table, with a key shown in the right-hand image. The Pilatus is mounted at χ = 270°. The beam centre is indicated in red and located at ( poni1, poni2), which are here modified by the rotation matrix. The axis directions and rotation about these are indicated ( rot1 and rot2); these are aligned with the pixel array and affected here by the rotation matrix. Rotation is provided by an azimuthal motor acting in a counter-clockwise direction (green) and about the axis, which intersects the distance plane at ( rot_x, rot_y) from the beam centre. The detector is movable in distance by detx, by coupled detz1 and detz2 tables (vertical) and by a pair of translations in the horizontal direction, only one of which is motorized (dety). |