Figure 4
Data obtained from a fly scan experiment for simulation purposes with the following parameters. Horizontal fly scan step size: 300 nm; vertical step size: 500 nm; exposure time at each scan point: 4 ms. (a) Object used in the simulation as the reconstruction of a complete dataset from traditional raster scan of the entire FoV. (b) Scattering information of the object obtained from each diffraction pattern at their corresponding scan position. (c) Simulation results of the adaptive scan algorithm applied on this dataset, where the scan trajectory starts at position [0, 25]. Once the scan point hits the boundary of the object, where the measured Pnew is greater than T, the corresponding scan position is labeled as a point of interest (blue). The adaptive scan algorithm then continues guiding the scan position along the boundary of the object, labeling points of interest as blue, otherwise as pink, until a complete boundary is obtained. The algorithm then continues to scan the points within the obtained boundary, labeled as yellow, to obtain the complete RoI. (d) Reconstruction of the object using only the diffraction patterns from the obtained scan positions labeled as the RoI. |