Figure 5
(a) Measured intensity profiles of the Au(111) momentum images across the Fermi energy at 80 K with the pass energy set at 20 eV and the size of the entrance slit set at 0.2 mm × 0.8 mm. The red solid line is fit to the intensity profile using the Boltzmann function, and its first derivative is shown by the blue dashed line. (b) Measured intensity profiles across the Fermi energy at 300 K (upper two profiles) and their fits with the analyzer pass energy and the size of entrance slit set at 50 eV and 2.0 mm in diameter or 20 eV and 0.2 mm × 0.8 mm, respectively. Intensity profiles across the Fermi energy at 80 K (lower two profiles) and their fits with the pass energy set at 20 eV and the size of entrance slit set at either 2.0 mm in diameter or 0.2 mm × 0.8 mm. (c) Table of the experimental energy resolution at various sample temperatures, pass energies (Ep) and analyzer slit sizes. |