Figure 2
(a) Cartoon schematic of the layout and connection between Heitt Mjölnir and the high-pressure syringes, LVDT (black), power cables (red), thermocouples (green) and fluid (blue) connections for routine operation. (1) Type-K thermocouple(s) fixed on the pressure vessel. (2) Linear variable displacement transducer. (3) Temperature controller with two channels for top and bottom cartridge heaters (red shaded areas inside the pressure vessel). (4) Three fluid manifolds composed of Top Industrie valves (TIV) to disconnect the cell from the pump and refill (refill syringe) without dropping the cell pressure. Each fluid line must be equipped with a proportional pressure relief valve (PRV). Connections to PEEK tubing are via Swagelok 1/16" bulkhead unions. (5) Three Cetoni Nemesys high-pressure syringe pumps provide independent fluid delivery for the confining pressure (sky blue), pore fluid pressure (blue) and axial load via the hydraulic actuator (purple). (6) CETONI I/O module. (7) Laptop PC with QmixElements software to control the high-pressure pumps (5) and log experimental data (7). Solid lines indicate external cable or tubing while dotted lines indicate their continuation inside the cell. (8) Intel cooling fan for the pressure vessel and its associated 12 V DC power supply (9). (b) Heitt Mjölnir in position and set up for operation on the rotary table of the TOMCAT beamline at the Swiss Light Source. Letters correspond to those in (a). The Heitt Mjölnir rig is fixed on the rotary table at approximately 1400 mm height above floor level. |