Figure 12
(a)–(c) Change in diffraction pattern due to induced plastic deformation. Each subfigure shows a map of the integrated total intensity at each position in the coating on the left-hand side, and the summed detector images from the ROI indicated by a green rectangle on the right-hand side. The summed detector images in (a) and (b) correspond to approximately the same position before, (a), and during, (b), indentation. As a reference, panel (c) shows the detector images at a position away from the indent in the probed coating. Note that the individual spots corresponding to Al2O3 are difficult to see in (a) and (c), whereas the smeared rings due to plastic deformation are clearly visible in (b). (d) Deformation mapping during indentation. The top image shows the total number of pixels in 2θ ranges corresponding to selected Bragg peaks (012, |