Figure 1
(a) Single-shot diffraction pattern from an aggregate of ten colloidal gold particles with 250 nm diameter (Sekiguchi et al., 2016 , 2017 ). The black square at the center is the shadow of the beamstop, and the stripes in the horizontal and vertical directions are the gaps between the CCD panels of the detectors. (b) The similarity scores of 1000 retrieved maps against the reference (left plot), and the frequency distribution of the scores of 999 maps (right). The reference map was obtained from the seventh trial (i = 7) of the 1000 PR calculations. The symbols and lines for correct and incorrect maps are colored in blue and red, respectively. The inset shows electron density maps averaged over the correct maps. (c) Single-shot diffraction pattern from an aggregate of colloidal gold particles. (d) Distribution of the similarity scores of 1000 maps retrieved from the diffraction pattern in panel (c). The reference map was obtained from the 23rd trial (i = 23) of the 1000 PR calculations. In panels (b) and (d), calculation trials were numbered after manual classifications judging whether the final maps were realistic. Panels (a) and (c) are reused from our previous paper (Sekiguchi et al., 2017 ) after modification with permission from International Union of Crystallography. |