Figure 3
Characterization of the 1000 maps retrieved from the single-shot diffraction pattern in Fig. 1 (a). (a) Distribution of the 1000 maps divided into ten classes on the plane spanned by the first and second PC vectors. The symbols indicate the positions of the maps on the plane and are colored according to the scheme at the top of the panel. The coloring scheme for the ten classes is used throughout the panels. The number of the map in each class is shown in parentheses. Frequency distributions of the similarity score (b) and the Fourier error (c) of the maps in each class. (d) Comparison of class-representative maps displaying the smallest similarity score against the reference in each class. The densities are illustrated according to the bar at the top of the panel. (e) FoMs of structure factors in the ten classes up to a resolution of 18 µm−1. The FoM values are shown according to the bar at the top of the panel. (f) Resolution-dependences of the averaged cosine (left panel) and sine (right) terms in equation (7) in each class. The curves of class 8 of the two terms are depicted using red open circles and error bars for the standard deviations of the two terms. The open black circles are the two terms for only the pair of maps yielding the smallest similarity scores among the 1000 maps. The dashed line indicates the values of the two terms for the random phase limit [equation (8) ]. |